Evangelism Task Force – Together for the Illawarra
Evangelism Questionnaire
If you are a pastor, we need your (or your team) help in filling out our 8-10 minutes questionnaire. By filling this questionnaire, you help us to understand better on the approach and the needs in the area of evangelism.
Would like to participate?
If you would like to participate to be part of the Evangelism task force, please contact us on info@illawarraprayerbreakfast.org.
About Together for the Illawarra

Together for the Illawarra is a collaboration of Christians in the Illawarra. It is inspired by and through a relationship built among churches and Christian leaders through many years and also Illawarra Prayer Breakfast. Together for the Illawarra is a consultation & collaborative process exploring areas of common interest, focusing on Community Engagement, Evangelism & Prayer.
To learn more about Together for the Illawarra, click here.